Sunday, September 24, 2017

Applying the Rules of Redistricting II: Middle Schools

Just like the Elementary Schools, redistricting is being proposed for the Middle Schools throughout the County. Unlike the Elementary Schools, there is no new Middle School opening in the 2018-2019 school year. In fact, there is no opening date for the proposed MS#21 in the southeast which will likely also provide relief to the northeast. There's no site either but I think the large Mission Road site purchased by the County is a good place for it.

10-15 years ago, the County obtained a site via a land swap with a Church, giving them the site for Locust Park ES in Long Reach that was never built. The County got 40 acres at the southeastern corner of Route 40 and Marriottsville Road that they had intended to bank for a future Middle School. This school and this site haven't been mentioned in a while since the need for a Middle School in the northern area of the County hasn't been there. However in the coming years, both Burliegh Manor and Mount View, whose districts border this still undeveloped site, will both be VERY crowded. This site, and the Middle School that will inhabit it, will provide relief and from hereon out will be known as MS#22. Like MS#21, there is no proposed opening date nor is it on any Capital Budgets.

Back to the 2018 Middle School Redistricting. Like the Elementary Schools, I have scaled back the redistricting plans to only include what is very absolutely necessary. In areas that are crowded and will become crowded without nearby capacity, I have left these areas alone because when a new Middle School opens in that area, it will be redistricted yet again. Now, without further ado, I will introduce my redistricting plans region by region.

East Columbia 
I have selected East Columbia's Middle Schools to provide relief to the northeast. Both Oakland Mills and Owen Brown (Lake Elkhorn) can stand to grow in population and create balance not only in population but equity in construction funds. As I have stated before, I'm against building the addition on Ellicott Mills Middle to relieve its crowding and leaving Oakland Mills as a small old school. Instead, I propose tranferring the funds for the Ellicott Mills addition to the Oakland Mills MS Renovation project, and turning the renovation into a replacement school for Oakland Mills with a capacity of 662-701. The redistricting for Ellicott Mills to the now larger Oakland Mills will relieve its crowding.

Owen Brown (Lake Elkhorn) has a larger capacity in its current state but is under crowded. This is why I have proposed redistricting here from Mayfield Woods and Thomas Viaduct which will become over crowded again to balance out Owen Brown (Lake Elkhorn.)

West Columbia
I'm not proposing any redistricting in West Columbia. Although a replacement school for Wilde Lake Middle just opened and it's much larger than its predecessor, it is slated to become crowded in a few short years. Anything redistricted here from Harpers Choice will have to be redistricted yet again when that crowding comes to fruition. The solution for this is another replacement school. This time for Harpers Choice. This will ensure Harpers Choice doesn't become crowded again and may have room in future years to relieve Wilde Lake which without redistricting will still be over crowded.

Although Oakland Mills MS has relieved Ellicott Mills and Owen Brown (Lake Elkhorn) has begun to provide relief for Mayfield Woods and Thomas Viaduct, more relief will be needed. This time, Elkirdge Landing will lend a hand. There will be no changes to Bonnie Branch as it is balanced. When MS#21 opens, there will need to be additional redistricting in the northeast but nothing that is slated to be redistricted now will be redistricted again.

No redistricting is proposed for the northern region even though there is a lot of crowding in the coming years for Middle Schools here. There are however, some capital improvement projects on the way which will up the capacity in this area and begin to relieve crowding. Both Dunloggin and Patapsco have renovations and additions proposed. I would like both of those projects to be converted to replacement schools. Any redistricting in this area can be done after those schools open. MS#22 will be needed in this area as well to relieve Burliegh Manor and Mount View.

No redistricting other than the small Hammond MS/Oakland Mills MS adjustment discussed in the East Columbia section. MS#21 will solve additional crowding in this area when it opens.

The western region has space in its Middle Schools as well. Lime Kiln however is slated to become very crowded and will need its neighboring schools to provide relief for it. Clarksville MS and Folly Quarter will do just that. There will be no changes to Glenwood.

And this concludes the Middle School portion of my "Applying the Rules of Redistricting." In it I have provided some relief for some schools and increased the population for others. In other instances I left crowded areas alone that need an additional Middle School and/or are having their current school undergo a Capital Improvement Project in the coming years and using a wait and see approach. I have also advocated for school equity by suggesting replacement schools at Oakland Mills, Dunloggin, Patapsco, and Harpers Choice. Stay tuned for the High Schools.    

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