Monday, March 14, 2011

Modernization III 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019

Well it's been fun but this is the final phase of Modernizing any and all Columbia Schools. I set an ambitious date of January 1st, 2020 for all work to be complete and it appears that I've met that goal. In order to Modernize these last two Schools, they will have to be broken up by sub districts and taken to one of the three holding Schools. Well here come the final Modernizations!
Our first School is in Kings Contrivance. In Phase II I opened two new Elementary Schools in Kings Contrivance on sites that were Master Planned for such Schools when the Village was first planned. Also in the original plan for Kings Contrivance, there was a site next to Hammond High meant for a Middle School. I think instead of modernizing the existing Hammond Middle, the "replacement" Hammond Middle should be built on the Kings Contrivance Site and named Kings Contrivance Middle. This will allow for a larger percentage of the population to walk to School and will ultimately save on long range transportation costs.

The new building will be next door to Hammond High and Kings Contrivance Village Center on Guilford Road with the Ball Fields backing to Weather Worn Way. Capacity will be set at 662 as are all new Howard County Middle Schools. Students will not have to use a Holding School during construction they will remain at Hammond Middle while Kings Contrivance Middle and the new Hammond Elementary are built in the 2016-2017 School Year.
Since the last two Schools to be modernized are large High Schools, one Holding School can't hold all students in fact two Holding Schools can't either, we will have to use all three for different sub districts. Atholton High, built in 1966 is due in the existing Capital Budget for Systemic Renovations. I on the hand, think it's high time for a full blown Modernization.
Atholton has had a lot of additions over the years but still looks ancient. I think for the most part the School Building has reached the end of its life cycle at 45 years of age. Atholton received an addition in 2003 which will be spared and renovated while the rest of the School is torn down and rebuilt.
During the modernization, Atholton will be broken up in three sub districts which will determine which Holding School one will attend during the year of construction (2016-2017)
At the Clarksville Holding Center will house all Students attending Atholton living in the Pointers Run Section of River Hill and the Fulton/Clarksville.
The Cradlerock Holding Center will house all Students attending Atholton living in Simpsonville, Clemens Crossing, Hawthorn, and Rivers Edge.

The Old Elkridge Holding Center will house all Students attending Atholton living in Scaggsville and Emerson.
When Atholton re opens it will be under a new name; "Hickory Ridge High" the new building will boast a new Auditorium, Cafeteria, Media Center, Science Labs, Fine Arts Studios, Auxiliary Gym, Computer Labs, Home Economics, Technology Education, and a new Front Office and Guidance Office. Capacity will be set at 1500.
Summer 2017 Long Reach High will undergo Systemic Renovations


This School Year's Modernization will operate similarly to that of the Atholton Hickory Ridge High. The School in the hot seat this time?
Hammond High opened in 1976 to a mostly rural district which has since experienced a constant boom in growth. Hammond received an addition in 1996 which will be spared in the School's Modernization.Despite the Systemic Renovation in 1998 the School is too small and dated. Like Athtolton, it will need all three Holding Schools for its large population.
The Clarksville Holding Center will house all Hammond High Students living in Kings Contrivance.
The Cradlerock Holding Center will house all Hammond High Students living in Savage, Bowling Brook Farms, Stone Lake, and Emerson.

The Old Elkridge Holding Center will house all Hammond High Students living in Jessup.
The New Building like Atholton will also be renamed "Kings Contrivance High" and will boast a new Gym, Auxiliary Gym, Auditorium, Fine Arts Studios, Cafeteria, Media Center, Computer Labs, Science Labs, Home Economics, Technology Education, Day Care Center, Front Office, and Guidance Office. Capacity will be set at 1500.
Summer 2018 Wilde Lake High will undergo Systemic Renovations
2018-2019 This may or may not occur. Depending the enrollment of Pointers Run, Tridelphia Ridge, and Dayton Oaks, Clarksville Elementary may open as a regular School Again. Since it's in the Columbia Area, it will be modernized before that can happen (modernized building pictured above). If not it can hold the Offices that were housed at the Old Cedar Lane School that was demolished to make room for the new Harpers Choice Middle. It could also hold offices that were vacated when the Faulkner Ridge Center was vacated. Why was it vacated? Stay tuned!


  1. I'm just wondering if this is a 'done deal' or proposal for the name changes, especially Atholton High School. And I'm also wondering what is the reasoning for the name change, who decided on this, etc. As an Atholton graduate, I'm not real happy about hearing a name change. I agree renovations are greatly needed, I just don't see the point in a name change.

  2. I have the same question as Deana. Is this the HCPSS plan or your ideas of what should happen? A friend of mine whose husband works at AHS says he hasn't heard anything about the name change.

  3. These are my ideas only AHS will undergo extensive renovations but no name change

  4. These are my ideas only AHS will undergo extensive renovations but no name change

  5. Well, you certainly present your ideas as a done deal. Deana and I graduated together from AHS and tonight I learned from her about the history of our school name as well as Hammond's. You state that you love Columbia, and are proud to call it your hometown. I also grew up here and love it - my family moved here in 1974. I came back to work and raise my family here. But I also acknowledge and respect the history of Howard County before Columbia. Here's what I learned:

    About Atholton:
    That area back in the 1800's was part of Athol Manor.

    And Hammond:
    The Hammond family owned alot of that land and was a prominent family in the county back when it began.

    They are both historically related names and we should think long and hard about changing school names that reflect our past, especially changing them to names that are only significant to Columbia, when students from areas outside of Columbia attend the school. Just something to consider in your ideas for Columbia's future.

  6. They choose those names for a reason; research was conducted to find the best name and those are more significant than the neighborhood names, especially since, just like Carrie said, more than just Hickory Ridge students live there.
