My plans for Columbia are ambitious and controversial. Many people will disagree with them and I welcome it, that's what the comments field is for. I think Columbia has always been something special and I'm proud to call it my hometown. I want it to stay just as special in the future as it was in the past and that involves BIG decisions, BIG change, BIG investment, and BIG Redvelopment
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Schools in the 1990s: Playing Catch Up and the Equity Divide
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Decline to Growth: The School System in the 1980s
The 1970s represented a period of unprecedented growth in Howard County in the form of School Construction as did the 1990s. The 1980s however did not. When the 1970s closed out, the School System had just opened Clemens Crossing Elementary and a replacement Clarksville Middle. The long range Capital Improvement Plan included building new Schools in Hawthorn, Elkhorn, Hopewell, Savage (replacing the Elementary School that closed in 1973) and either renovating or replacing Guilford. As you can tell, very little of this actually happened.
According to notes from old School Board Meetings from that time, enrollment had begun to decline in the older West Columbia Schools and Ellicott City Schools while the Southeast and East Columbia had remained strong and were still growing. In some cases this was due to a large concentration of Schools in a small area, too many new schools at once, a delay in construction in some parts of Columbia, and lack of turn around in Neighborhoods. This decline put the School System in a panic.
The panic made the School System decide that some Schools had to close. In West Columbia there was talk of closing Longfellow given its low enrollment and small district. There was also talk of closing Faulkner Ridge whose district was consumed by the opening of Clemens Crossing. In Ellicott City St. Johns Lane, Worthington, Northfield, and Rockland had low enrollment as did the Middle and High Schools that fed into them.
The decision was made to close Faulkner Ridge and Rockland Elementaries in 1983 and Waterloo Middle in 1984. It was thought that Longfellow would soon follow in 1986 but the redistricting in 1983 funneled a lot of students into it while the remaining West Columbia Schools received the rest of the Faulkner Ridge District. Rockland Closed that same year with St. Johns Lane taking the entire Rockland District. Waterloo Middle had the bulk of its population districted to Ellicott City Middle (now Ellicott Mills) while the rest was annexed to Wilde Lake Middle where enrollment had already been low.
Now we go to East Columbia and the southeast where enrollment was continuing to grow. Crowding at Phelps Luck had calmed allowing Locust Park to return there from Waterloo, Worthington, and Jeffers Hill. Jeffers Hill for one needed the extra room because the Sewells Orchard out parcel was being built throughout the 1980s. Jeffers Hill also had the western part of Huntington districted there as Atholton Elementary and Guilford weren't able to take more crowding. Dasher Green was becoming more crowded by the day and could have really used an Elkhorn Elementary at this time. Talbott Springs was not overly crowded and could continue to have Hopewell districted there. There was debate about closing Guilford Elementary in the early 1980s due to the age of the building and possibly sending the population to Hopewell if it were built.
This didn't happen so Guilford received a large renovation in 1982. Despite its proximity, Hopewell didn't attend the larger Guilford as its current district was growing at an uncontrolled speed from Huntington in King's Contrivance. Atholton Elementary was in a similar boat as large amounts of growth from the Dickinson and MacGills Common Neighborhoods of King's Contrivance were being built. Atholton did however receive a renovation in 1980. Elementary Schools had been Master Planned into both Dickinson and Huntington as had a Middle School. None of these Schools were ever built. Crowding also continued at Whiskey Bottom Road Elementary (now Laurel Woods)
Now back to the "declining enrollment" parts of the County. In Ellicott City, the decline was very short lived. Pretty much immediately after Rockland Closed, St. Johns Lane became crowded due to having the population of two schools within its walls. Northfield was also crowded as Dorsey Hall, Gray Rock Farms, and Plumtree Drive were being built. Worthington was now crowded as Stonecrest Hills, Wheatfield Way, and Brampton Hills were being built.
Back in West Columbia, Longfellow never closed. Having its enrollment inflated by Swansfield and Faulkner Ridge has allowed Longfellow to remain adequately enrolled. Hawthorn Elementary was scrapped and the growing Hickory Ridge Neighborhood attended Bryant Woods. Running Brook could not take growth from the Fairway Hills Neighborhood under construction further up Columbia Road so Talbott Springs took them in. So how could Swansfield afford to send much of its district to Longfellow? The answer is two short words; Clary's Forest. Development in Clary's Forest made Swansfield very crowded. Though an Elementary School for Clary's Forest was master planned into the Neighborhood but was never built. Instead, a large addition was built onto Swansfield to allow Clary's Forest to remain there.
So what happened to the School Buildings that closed? Faulkner Ridge became offices and Rockland became the Howard County Center for the Arts. Waterloo Middle however had a more interesting after life. First from 1985-1987 it hosted Waterloo Elementary as it went through a massive renovation. From 1987-1988 it acted as a makeshift Elementary School for select Students from Guilford since Huntington was making it too crowded and the newly minted Laurel Woods (nee Whiskey Bottom Road) as growth near there was causing crowding and because Savage Elementary closed upon Laurel Woods opening when it really shouldn't have and it never reopened.
So essentially Waterloo Middle acted as a "new" Elementary School for a year. So where did the Students from this swing go after the 1987-1988 school year was over? They went to the first new School in Howard County built in nine years; Bollman Bridge.
Bollman Bridge was the long awaited replacement for Savage Elementary that came 15 years after its closure. The school board promised in 1973 not only a new Elementary School for Savage but a Middle School as well. That promise came to fruition one year later with the opening of Patuxent Valley Middle in 1989 just next door to Bollman Bridge. Patuxent partially relieved crowding at Hammond Middle and Ellicott Mills.
Once Bollman Bridge opened the old Waterloo Middle was torn down to make way for a new Elementary School set to open in 1990. What Elementary School you ask? Well. I guess you'll have to wait until I write about the School System in the 1990s.