When it comes to streetscaped medians, they're something that can be easily overlooked. At the same time however, they can be very attractive if done right. There are numerous locations throughout Columbia that could use these beatifications. Some areas have medians that are nothing but concrete slaps, but what I'm proposing has grass, flowers beds, and a shaft with street lights on either side of them. Tall trees can be a visual hazard however. Another benefit of these medians is they slow traffic down. Some of Columbia's wider residential streets are plagued with motorists driving 15,20 or even 30 miles above the posted speed limit. Having medians in the roads will no doubt slow them down. If you don't have a clear picture of what I would like this to look like I will give some examples of where they already are. Inner Harbor: Conway Street, Light Street, Eastern Avenue, and President Street. Also in the new Maple Lawn Farms development in Fulton.
Shown here is Dorsey Hall Drive looking away from Columbia Road I would plant more flowers and the road itself needs a pave, maybe throw in some brick crosswalks.
Potential sites for these median are listed on a village by village basis.
*means modification to existing median
Dorsey's Search: Columbia Road*, Grey Rock Drive, Dorsey Hall Drive*
*shown here is cedar lane in the village of harpers choide looking towards route 108
Harper's Choice: Harper's Farm Road, Cedar Lane/Rivendell Lane, Eliot's Oak Road, Hesperus Drive.
Hickory Ridge:Owen Brown Road, Martin Road, Cedar Lane, Quarterstaff Road
Kings Contrivance: Volmerhausen Road, Eden brook Drive, Shaker Drive*, Guilford Road
*shown here is stonecutter road in the village of long reach looking towards heyshed lane
Long Reach: Tamar Drive, Old Dobbin Lane, Majors Lane, Phelps Luck Drive, High Tor Hill, Dobbin Road, Hay shed Lane, Stone cutter Road
Oakland Mills, Thunderhill Road, Stevens Forest Road*, White Acre Road, Kilimanjaro Road, Santiago Road, Farewell Road, Basket Ring Road,
Owen Brown: Cradlerock Way, Homespun Drive, Oakland Mills Road, Carved Stone, Deepage Drive, Rustling Leaf
Wilde Lake: Twin Rivers Road, Columbia Road